Sunday, June 21, 2009

Getting To Such Great Heights

"Getting to Such Great Heights" - ink, gouache, acrylic on bristol

I clearly drew a lot of inspiration from/borrowed outright from Lawrence Yang ( for this painting... but I love it nonetheless. I think I could go interesting directions with this, incorporating his textures and stuff into my artwork. It'll be great. I'm excited! :3

My Plan

The plan:

Draw/paint a picture a day, take a photo/scan it, upload it here. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy?


But anyways, I've fallen in love with such art-a-day blogs as and and thought it'd be a great exercise to try and do even a tiny bit of something artistic every day. I've got the work space set up, got the materials, and I'm ready to go! Let's see what happens.

Ooh, I'll also be posting random "Artists I Love" posts, just for me to keep track of what I love artistically :3

Wish me luck!